Forward: The New "F" Word

About Me

Hi, I’m Chris Cicchinelli.

I am a businessman, father, son, and motivational speaker. I am also the President and CEO of Pure Romance, a company founded in 1993 by my mother, Patty Brisben. Her journey in this industry began back in 1983 when I was still a child. Little did she know that what began as a way for her to make ends meet and support a growing family would turn into a company that we would build and operate together. I joined the company in 2003 and since then, we have touched the lives of over 90,000 women who have started, owned, and operated Pure Romance businesses of their very own.

This blog is not intended to promote Pure Romance, rather it is a forum where I can discuss my life experiences. I’ll discuss everything from how working with women has inspired, shaped, and informed my life to the things I have learned during my career in the direct sales industry.

I firmly believe that life is what we make of it. Some of us are dealt better hands than others, but anything our lives may lack can be made up for with the right attitude. It’s never too late to change our course, alter our destiny, and switch directions—to move forward without looking back.

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